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Thanksgiving the Sweetest time of the year

This year the Thanksgiving means much more to me,
Personally I’m thankful to have my husband alive after a long period of sickness. As a totally blessing I was able to give him my kidney in late April. We are both recovering well and we are tremendous grateful to the hospital and people who helped us during this challenging time.
As a result of leaving the country we lost our Visa status and we had to apply again. That took a lot of our resources and time with not be able to run our business as usual. Almost like drowning until just just can’t survive another day. So finally when we were at our "wits end" the positive answer with approval came and we are now so very much Thankful to the American Embassy in Stockholm who helped us for fill our American Dream.
Thank you all precious high valued customer who have had all patience with us not being able to be open and answer all phone calls. From now on we are here to stay and to for-fill your Candy wishes. It’s going to be the very best Thanksgiving ever!
Bless you all and Thank you!
Nantasket Sweets By Swedes
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